Cookie policy

Use of cookies

Latvijas Banka’s websites use cookies.

Cookies are small text files created and stored on your device (PC, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) when you are browsing our website. During each subsequent browsing session, cookies are sent back to the original home page or another home page recognising these cookies. Cookies serve as the memory of a particular website, allowing it to recognise your computer during your next visits, inter alia, cookies can remember your settings or make browsing more user-friendly. More information about cookies and on how to manage and delete them is provided at

How we use cookies

Please remember that we do not store any personal data at any point unless you yourself have chosen to register and identify yourself as our customer. Our cookies may be created by various service providers helping us to provide web services.

Latvijas Banka’s websites use the following types of cookies:

Cookies necessary for website operation

They ensure our website’s principal operation – website security, content filtering and delivery as well as website availability. You can disable them by changing your browser settings; however, it can affect our website’s functionality on your screens.

CookieName of the cookieUse of the cookie
Sessionlb_agw_affinity lb_agw_affinityCORS cookieConsentStatus _hjSessionUser_* PHPSESSIDNecessary to ensure the operation of the page and save the data values needed for the use during the visit to the website. Deleted after closing the browser.
Cookies related to displaying external multimedia_gat _gid _gid CONSENT __cfduidAllow the visitor to watch YouTube videos, view Infogram infographics, Highcharts charts and other multimedia.


Website analytics cookies

Analytics cookies allow collecting information on the number and origin of visits so that we can measure and improve the effectiveness of our website’s operation. They help us to understand which pages are the most popular and which ones are visited the least as well as how visitors navigate through our website. If you reject these cookies, your visit will not be included in our statistics; nevertheless, your activity in our website will not be limited.

CookieName of the cookieUse of the cookie
Google Analytics_ga
Allows Latvijas Banka to obtain and analyse information on the visits to websites.
Stored from 30 seconds to 2 years.

How to disable cookies?

You can delete all the cookies on your computer at any time. Please find more details at: Most browsers can be set up to block insertion of cookies on your computer. However, in this case you will need to adjust your settings manually whenever you visit the website and there is a likelihood that as a result of above some services and functions will not work.



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