Privacy policy

Rules for the processing of personal data

1. These rules for the processing of personal data (hereinafter the “Rules”) establish the procedure whereby the data controller ensures the processing, security, and protection of the data of the participants and visitors of Latvia Fintech Forum 2024 to be held on the premises of the Small Guild at Amatu iela 5, Riga on 5 November 2024 (hereinafter the “Forum”). The data controller has engaged data processors to ensure the running of the event.
2. The data controller is Latvijas Banka, registration No 90000158236, legal address: K. Valdemāra iela 2A, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia (hereinafter the “Bank”). The processing of personal data by the Bank, which is not regulated by the Rules, is governed by the Bank’s privacy policy (available here:

Purpose of and legal framework for personal data processing

3. The purpose of and legal framework for personal data processing is:

3.1 to ensure the registration and participation of Forum participants in the Forum (processed personal data: first name, surname, e-mail address, position, name of the represented legal person, and country). The legal framework for personal data processing is Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation – the public interest;
3.2 to ensure the exchange of organisational and operational information with Forum participants (processed personal data: first name, surname, and e-mail address), including obtaining feedback on the Forum (evaluation). The legal framework for personal data processing is Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation – the public interest;
3.3 to ensure the publicity and promotion of the Forum, the raising of public awareness, photography and video recording during the Forum, as well as the publication of photo and video materials on the internet and social networks (processed personal data: first name, surname, image, voice recording, and name of the represented legal person). The legal framework for personal data processing is Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation – the public interest.

Personal data for registration of the participants at the Forum

4. The participant registers for the Forum at where the participant enters personal data confirming that he or she has read the Rules.
5. When registering for the Forum, the participant provides the following personal data: first name, surname, e-mail address, position, name of the represented legal person, and country.
6. Upon arrival at the Forum, the participant will be identified by first name and surname and will receive an admission card.
7. The Bank reserves the right to restrict or deny access to the Forum to any person.

Time limits for collection, storage, and deletion of personal data

8. The collection and further processing of personal data within is carried out from the time of registration of the Forum participant until 5 December 2024.
9. Personal data are stored and processed only to the extent and for the period necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes set out in these Rules:
9.1 personal data specified in Paragraph 3.1 of the Rules – until 31 December 2034;
9.2 personal data specified in Paragraph 3.2 of the Rules – for 30 days after the end of the Forum;
9.3 photo and video materials pursuant to Paragraph 3.3 of the Rules – permanently (for the purpose of ensuring the archive of the events).

Consent of the Forum participant to the processing of personal data

10. By submitting personal data, the Forum participant confirms that he or she has read the Rules. Participation in the Forum cannot be ensured without processing the Forum participant’s personal data.
11. If the Forum participant withdraws consent to the processing of personal data, all personal data submitted by the Forum participant will be deleted, except in cases where it is not possible to delete the personal data as it would involve a disproportionate effort (for example, where materials have already been printed, photographs or audiovisual materials have already been published).
12. The data controller is entitled to use the materials resulting from photography or video recording, in whole or in part, for any form of information on the Forum. The Forum participant is informed that the data controller will exercise these rights freely at its own discretion and that the data controller is also entitled to transfer these rights to third parties.

Rights of the Forum participant

13. The Forum participant is entitled to:
13.1 request at any time from the data controller information about the Forum participant as set out in Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation;
13.2 access the relevant data and obtain the information set out in Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation by contacting the data controller;
13.3 request from the data controller the rectification, erasure, or restriction of processing of the Forum participant’s personal data, or object to such processing in accordance with Articles 17 and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation;
13.4 if the personal data provided by the Forum participant changes, the Forum participant is entitled to request the rectification (correction) of his or her personal data by contacting the data controller.

Additional information

14. The Bank has engaged the following data processors:

  • the merchant selected as a result of the tender procedure will process the personal data obtained while filming and interviewing Forum participants;
  • SIA LETA (registration No 40003229349), which will process the images of Forum participants (i.e. take photographs at the venue of the event);
  • SIA DIVI Grupa (registration No 40003803059), which will maintain the Forum website;
  • SIA ABC idea (registration No 40103285126), which will process personal data (first name, surname, position, name of institution, and country) for printing registration cards.

15. The data controller takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure secure processing of personal data, applies appropriate security policies and procedures to protect data from unauthorised access, processing or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Communication and procedure for exercising the rights of the Forum participant

16. The Forum participant may exercise his or her rights, including the right to object or to ask questions to the data controller, by writing to the Bank at K. Valdemāra iela 2A, Riga, LV-1050 or by e-mailing to:
17. If the personal data provided by the Forum participant changes, the Forum participant is entitled to request the rectification (correction) of his or her personal data by contacting the data controller.
18. The Forum participant has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data State Inspectorate, Elijas iela 17, Riga, LV-1050, e-mail:

Updated: 19.08.2024.



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